Dispute Subjects

Because mediation can offer immediate results without troublesome publicity, it can save money, offer better financial planning and help maintain professional collaborations.
We have long experience in corporate issues, the preparation and conclusion of contracts, national and international freight forwarding, unfair competition, insurance law, securities law, trade agency/exclusive distribution and bankruptcy law. In addition, we offer considerable international experience in cases with foreign entities, stemming from the fact that we offer, for a number of years now, integrated legal services and support to businesses from the first stages of the establishment-incorporation of the legal entity and throughout their term of operation, up until their possible wind-up and liquidation. As a result, we are able to understand the issues and problems which may ensue and to assist their resolution, in any case pertaining to business activity.
We assume and undertake to mediate in any kind of dispute relating to your business, assisted by financial or technical consultants. Indicatively, we can mediate in issues such as:.
- Intra-corporate issues, such as inability to collaborate or frictions between two departments of the same company.
- Issues relating to the merger or acquisition of an enterprise.
- Resolution of labour-related disputes and claims.
- Succession-related matters in family businesses, issues where economic gains and the personal life of the parties of the dispute are frequently very closely intertwined.
- Issues relating to the performance and execution of contracts in constructions.